
Web-Slinging into the holidays!

Hey, I just really wanted to give a quick update to the spidey piece i started back in September. It took too damn long to finish this little piece. I worked in a smaller scale to work out kinks before I attempt to make a larger painting. I felt like this piece challenged me in a different way. I worked in the negative space a lot. Starting with the blocking of all the darkest color (black), I then just had to layer over the top with mid and highlights. One thing I'd like to improve upon with my art is the sharpness of my lines. Really, to be able to tighten up the edges and make it look sharp. It's tough to do when you are using traditional mixed media methods. I do like this finished piece though, it's high contrast and that's what I wanted. Originally, I wanted the whole piece to look like the webbing in the painting. The whole piece was supposed to look like a sketch. Upon progressing with the painting, I could see that It was too flat and didn't pop the way I wanted it to. So I started blocking in with acrylic and once that was done, the method went from sketch to painting. I'm not sure what I was thinking, I should have just posted the sketch and be done with it if I wanted the 'sketchy' look. Here is a shot of the piece I finished this morning.
One of the things I love about traditional art is to be able to see brush strokes. To actually see how the artist moved(or in Pollock's case, dripped) the paint on the canvas to bring their creation to their closest realization is really impactful. Even if I could afford one, I would never own a Pollock painting. The theme is too chaotic and it's waaaaay to busy for my taste. I do however, 'get it.' Jackson had a method to his madness. Sure he was a total drunk, and was plastered half the time, but he was an artist. I feel like he painted for himself, and his art is a huge 'F.U.' to the establishment. Our society made him famous and rich because he went againt the grain and created art that was not the status quo. Anyway, I'm rambling and that subject could be a whole post on it's own. Lastly, here is a shot of the gear room as we finished putting up the second clothing bar today.

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