
Serial Killer Christmas. ;-)

Hello! and welcome back. Going into winter and holiday is always a busy time in my industry as a merchandiser. I have finally pulled away long enough to give you an update about life. 1st! Happy Holidays! Another year around that big glowy ball in the sky that makes beach days so much better. In my house we like to make ornaments every year out of various things and crafting components. It's a fun tradition, gets us away from the T.V. and we can add memories every year which compound into a great, healthy, life. Of course this year I coudn't get away from my affinity with masks and pop culture 70's-80's and 90's slasher flicks. So, here it is, my contribution to the ornament bank this season.
Its crafted/sculpted from sculpey clay and painted in acrylic. Wasn't sure my wife would let me hang it on the tree, but in the end good taste prevailed. ;-) I'm still pluiggin along towards my level one ski instructors cert. I have been studying through some workbooks and study guides for both the exam and on the snow portion. It's still early in the season and we did get hit with a warm fron which melted off all of the snow we recieved over the past week so that sucks. Truth is, i'm itching to go ride and cant wait to simply go have some fun with my lady on the mountain. I picked up my skis from the local shop and now it's just a waiting game. Your move mother nature. What else? well I am still working on 'Robocop'. If I had to guess I'd say I've got about 6 or 7 hours into this piece from initial sketch to this point. Its still got a lot of work to go, but the metal has been a fun and informative round. I feel like I will probably have it done before the season starts!
Like I said, it's a ways from completion with a lot of layering to do yet and the pistol must be refined. Then just touch ups and it should be there. another 4 hours 3 maybe. You know I also have to say that in reading todays news, it's easy to become upset, distraught, or even depressed. So many things affect me in this world. I do however choose to be happy, to understand that these horrors exist and that people can be monsters but I nor do you have to allow that to effect us. Sometimes we must be the scary one to fight for what is right and just. That was a random thought that invaded my train, but I just want the readers to know that happiness is a choice, how you choose to spend your free time says a lot about you. As usual thanks for reading and I will try to not let so much time pass. Looking forward I hope to have a completed robocop piece to show you and I may very well be a certified ski instructor as well. Take care and happy holidays

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