
Phase II

Okay, I passed the written! It felt pretty good to have come out of it with a passsing score considering I've been studying consistently for the past couple of years. That is only the first exam. Now, I wait until March 15th. On that day I will drive up to one of the many ski resorts in the area and ski for the day with an examiner who will asess my abilities as well as the ability to asess students movements and to clearly communicate lesson plans/drills to students. I must admit I was really nervous about the written. Of course now that it is over I am now nervous about the on-the-snow portion of the exam. I have been studying almost every chance I get, on and or off the mountain. Becoming a teacher is kinda scary especially one in such a skilled area. There is much room for how you teach snowsports, but the fundamentals must be solidified before one can move to the next phase.
Kat and I are up at our local mountain this week to get some much needed rest and to study. Tomorrow we'll be up on the slopes going over drills and honing my own fundamental skill set. Skiing was the last activity I ever participated in with my father about three days before we lost him back in 92'. My pops was a great skiier and tried to transfer what he knew to me. He and I skiied a lot together in my youth. I miss him terribly even though it's been about 25 years. You never get OVER it...you just get USED to it. I like to think he knows what is happening with my certification and is helping me along the way giving me the support that is lacking in my family. This of course has made me a stronger individual and I hope it comes out in my ability to instruct snowsports. Anyway, that's phase I of this journey, with one more uphill climb to attain my level I certification. Well, this was really just a quick update into my PSIA journey. I hope y'all are doing well and appreciate you taking the time to check out my blog.


Powder Day!

Heya, hows it going? I sure hope things are going well in these times. It sure isn't the same as when I was growing up that's for sure. A lot more anger and a lot more bogus people to navigate on a daily basis. It really gets tiring trying sometimes, and that's why we love to ride. We'll be up on the mountain tomorrow and I should be taking my written exam for the PSIA this Wednesday! I'm exicted to get into it. To be honest I don't feel like I will pass my first round. I may just surprise myself after all though. The weather here has been snowing off and on for the last 3 days or so. We are expecting the mountain to get at least 13" by tomorrow probably closer to 18" and snow all day long. That means the powder will flow all day! I spent the day in the gear room getting our gear waxed and sharpened and we are ready!
Being on the mountain is exhilirating and this on just one of the reasons I would like to instruct. To be able to gift somebody the knowledge of living this type of life would feel really good to me. My normal nine to five job just becomes less interesting to me every day. Skiing never gets boring. From choosing the right gear to tuning it for a powder day or carving groomers. It all makes me feel alive.
Tomorrow being prez day and all we are expecting a few more heads on the mountain, but as I've stated before; the crowds here are no where near California status...not even close. Kat and I are very lucky to be able to find a great home mountain that offers a lot of variable terrain with a great season pass price.
I still have to finish my painting. I haven't put much time into it since our last visit. That's my fault, my mom sprang a surprise visit on Kat and I last week and I didn't get to take my test or work on my painting. It was great to see my mother though. I can't believe I'm 50...wow. It sure doesn't feel like I'm that old. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up! Seriously though, if it's one thing I've learned looking back over my life it's that I never really belonged anywhere. Therefore I should never be afraid of change. That's got to be another main reason I love to ski; movement. Just to carve through a turn leaving a wake of snow spary behind is one of the greatest feeling I can think of...OH! here is a picture of our dog.
His name is Stanislaus Bartel Clyde Henry Carlisle Van Helsing Thunder Egg the 3rd...but we just call hin Stan. I just wanted to reach out and give a quick update on my goings on. I truly hope you and yours are safe and happy. To all the friends out there I've made and lost along the way you made every day worth it. Whether we stayed friends of not I learned something and appreciate the lesson. A lot of you I miss and wonder what happened...It may have been me, it may have been you..hell, it may have been both of us. It's all memories and it's all beautiful. I'm gunna go to bed now so I can wake up and ride. I will take photos for the blog and hopefully have some more content next time.


Happy New Year!

Hey bloggers, happy new year! As we move into yet another year let us give thanks the human race is still here and thriving. This felt like a good day to post and purge my current spillings. So first up, I am moving along with my new acrylic piece. I have been working on it pretty consistently and as stated before; working with rock texture is hella fun. I'm able to really lay it on thick so it textureizes the brick and gives it more depth. The next step is to go in and 're-claim' the mortar and cover up some of the logo red there. After that I will probably throw another layer on the brick and bring out some of the highlights in the wall. This should give the wall more depth and separate it even further from the mortar. Trying to give the wall a 3D look. In any case, it's time to show my progress. Here she is.. I will probably work on this more tonight as we don't really have any plans other than to relax and ring in the new year at home. The piece is going fast and I will probably be done before I know it, as I have already found my next piece I want to attempt to paint. We can chat more about that next time.
Next up.....I recently started a Reddit. I am going to keep it anonymous for now and you will see why in a second here. Take a look at this screen shot, keeping in mind something; This one of my first posts ever on the media site. I (in my life) have NEVER recieved this many views on ANYTHING. Also, this is in the first 48 hours of the post.
The views have slowed considerably from over 1500 an hour to this number here. Again though, for it being the first 48 hours, I was impressed. I think I might stick around on Reddit for a while and see what it's all about. Anyway, I hope you all have a really safe new year. Remember, DO NOT drink and drive. In my lifetime I've had 3 DUI's and spent time in jail in two different countries for alchohol related crap. With ride shares there is no reason..make the call and keep us all safe. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!